#NoNothingNovember: Day 16

So after yesterday’s rough start, I made it a point to keep expectations low today. Fortunately, today went quite a bit better than I had originally hoped. We got quite a bit of colder weather again last night so the roads were a bit slicker than preferable but no real issue.

Honestly, I feel a little bland today compared to yesterday. I’m glad I didn’t find another harmed animal, but today just wasn’t nearly as eventful as some of the previous days. To be sure, this is something I’m grateful for but still hesitant to truly enjoy a “nothing happened” day because of how quickly things can.

Call me cautiously thankful, I suppose.

I got my exercise done today. To make up for yesterday, I pushed past my plateau. I know that if I pushed harder I could’ve tacked on a few more, but if I had pushed harder I’d been even more sore in the morning. Sore is a good feeling but the last thing I need is to tear a muscle due to overexertion or pride for the #NoNothingNovember posts.

This month has had far more good than bad but I’m growing ever more hungry for change. The water intake has given me more clarity during the day and I’m sleeping better when I am. This is a combination of better hydration and realizing what I’m afraid of. I’m starting to consider some better meditation to get my mind focused before heading out to work but I’m already cutting it close with my workout and shower as it is. Perhaps I’ll wake up at 3AM instead of 4 to allow time to collect my thoughts, get some water, and then head out for my run.

I’ve introduced two new characters into my novel. I’d had them outlined for quite awhile but I finally reached a point in the story where the introduction makes sense. Anyone who writes a novel knows the torture of having one of your favorite character ideas sitting on the backburner while you write page after page of “necessary” to get to the fun part. I’m not short on willpower for self control so I’ve made do and kept myself from burning out my good ideas before I got the vegetables of the story out of the way.

I doubt that I’ll ever link to the book on here due to fear of doxxing. I’ll be writing the novel under my real name as an author and it’s for the best that they do not connect until I should ever decide to reveal who the man-behind-the-moniker is. Truly, it’s something I thought about doing from day one but when you’re the kind of man who doesn’t take a lot of shit and also has a few run ins with the wrong kind of people, you have a legitimate reason to believe they might try something for spite. Though I have no immediate fear that it’ll be in the coming hours or days (I hope), it’s something I’ve thought about.

The truth is that I may still reveal my face one day but I chose to keep my irl identity secret for now. The reason being, of course, in the future I can always choose to reveal myself. But if I had chosen to reveal myself from the start there’s no way for me to “un-reveal” myself later. Any attempts to hide myself will be far too late at the point I’ve put my face out there.

While I do stand behind everything I write, I know that there’s not much to gain from just puffing my chest out and gaining a semblance of “internet-famous” if my blog should ever take off. I’m not in it for the fame. The money sounds nice, if I should ever monetize this and make a single cent from it.

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about what kind of content I want to have out before the Holiday season. There’s a few other things I want to reveal soon but for now I’m keeping a lid on. I know you all will enjoy them as much as I enjoy giving them to you.

I’ll take boring but on track over a dead cat any day. That said, today’s scores are

1) Foregoing of mindless media consumption. 10/10
2) Having a clear daily plan and deadline goals to meet. 8/10
3) Exercise and write everyday. Period. 8/10

Daily Total: 26/30
Yesterday’s Total: 15/30
Total To Date: 403/480

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