#NoNothingNovember: Day 22

Okay, first things first. When I drafted up yesterday’s update I didn’t post it immediately. Instead, in an attempt to time it with when I normally get the most traffic, I scheduled the post.

Unfortunately, I’m an idiot who likes to do things quickly when talking to the cute neighbor whose house I’m hanging out at to use the pc and I scheduled the post a day late.

Embarrassment aside, today has been a great day and unlike yesterday this post is (barely) going up on time.

One thing today does have in common with yesterday though is the amount of exercise I did. By that I mean I moved my cardio up by the same amount. I’m now up to 7 per day, in about an hour in the morning. Aside from my legs feeling like they’re going to fall off, I am glad to know my heart is still beating.

Really, I can hear it. Other than that, I also decided to see how many pushups I could do today. I pulled the old “until failure” route.

That’s the first time in my life that I was moving 300 and was happy to eat the carpet after that.

For those who aren’t aware, my fiction novel is on hold for the next 2-3 days. Presumably longer, considering I don’t know how often I’ll be within arm’s reach of a computer, but I’ve decided to focus on my freelancing.

The whole point of doing the fiction novel was as a test to myself. It was a quantifiable “thing” to keep me focused on accomplishing something and not just “wasting” the month of November.

Considering I gave up a hobby for a self-focused job, I’d consider that taking it to the next level.

Though my posting for the blog has been sketchy and erratic the past 3-4 days, I’m still working on that new series I have in store. It starts the first week of December, to mirror the “12 days of Christmas.” It won’t coincide exactly with it, but it’s something I’ve wanted to do for awhile.

So all things considered, I’ll be doing a lot of pen and paper writing in the future until I get to get online again.

Oh, and one final though. I watched the first movie today that I have all month. It wasn’t just an idle fascination while I ate, however. It, in theme, follows the upcoming series I have planned.

I’ve seen the speech a thousand times, but I finally decided to checkout Glengarry Glen Ross.

All things considered, today’s scores are:

1) Foregoing of mindless media consumption. 10/10
2) Having a clear daily plan and deadline goals to meet. 8/10
3) Exercise and write everyday. Period. 10/10

Daily Total: 28/30
Yesterday’s Total: 28/30
Total To Date: 555/660

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