#NoNothingNovember: Day 9, Failures pt. 2

Today actually started off pretty good. I slept decently, and got up in time to be off for the day. No unusual sluggishness. Got a bit more done today. Unfortunately, I did notice that with adequate sleep, for whatever reason, I also found myself gazing off into space. I suppose it’s the lack of caffeine, or perhaps I need more water. I’ll investigate or experiment to fix it tomorrow.

The biggest downside with gazing off is that even though I could tell my mind was on autopilot, I couldn’t summon up the will to snap out of it. The fog feeling of the past Rut was back. Why? I don’t know, but I found myself absolutely binging on junk media for about 20 minutes. I zoned out for what felt like a minute or two and half an hour had past. This is the biggest single lapse in focus I’ve had so far, so I’ll be deducting major points for it.

Again, I got quite a bit of writing done for NaNoWriMo. I’m glad for it, as I’m hitting a bit more of a stride in my writing. Once I get a word or 200 in for the day, the rust is off and I take off for a solid 30-45 minutes straight. It’s easy to get lost in a story that you’re enjoying writing, and so far I am. Once it goes through about 10 revisions and editing cycles, I might consider showing it.

On the other front, the side of me that wasn’t productive today, I fell completely off my to do list. Don’t mistake me. I still accomplished most of them, short of cracking the book I was hoping to start, but I did them majorly out of order. Getting food/reading got swapped with taking a shower for the time slot. I was aware I was doing it, but one of the worst parts about the autopilot is that even though you know you’re doing it, you can’t stop it.

I’m not sure why the autopilot comes. If I’m just lazy, or what the problem is. Once I apply sufficient force of will, I can get myself to do it. I also notice that if I ambush myself, basically just spring it on myself in the middle of doing something else. “Okay, we’re doing X now instead.” that I can get into it before the sense of malaise drains me. I’m not sure what the issue is, but I’m going to up my water intake and see if that fixes it.

On the agenda tomorrow is that, upon the reading that I’ve neglected, I need to get some more research done. I definitely want to get that second article for Legends of Men out by Wednesday at the latest. I’m very excited for it, as you can tell. It’s a simple one, but I’m sure it’s a character I’ll revisit in the future so even a short introduction to the type of content about him you can expect gets my gears turning.

I’ve also been toying with the idea of picking up a new skill during the month to replace all the wasted time I find myself. Something else to keep idle hands busy. Not sure yet what I’ll decide on, but I hope to pick a new thing soon. I’m sure I’ll find something as useful as it is interesting.

Since I not only fell off the schedule a bit, but also massively failed with junk media today I’ll be docking major points. I didn’t resort to Youtube or Netflix, but I did end up reading some pointless stats for a game mod that sounded interesting and I don’t even play video games. I definitely got sunk into a bit of click-hopping to end up there. That being said, the scores for today are

1) Foregoing of mindless media consumption. 0/10
2) Having a clear daily plan and deadline goals to meet. 5/10
3) Exercise and write everyday. Period. 10/10

Daily Total: 15/30
Yesterday’s Total: 24/30
Total To Date: 218/270

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