#NoNothingNovember: Day 11, Loving It

Today is another day down and another day closer to what I’d hoped to accomplish. For starters, I knew my writing time was limited today for NaNoWriMo so I aimed to hit just 700 words. I hit 1,500 words. I would’ve had more but I cut myself short a few minutes just to make sure I wasn’t late for the next on the To Do list.

Still had some residual feelings of grogginess and sleep deprived idleness, but I made it completely void of mindless media consumption. I think that figuring out what I was afraid of last night (don’t worry, post about it coming soon) put a lot to rest. It’s not that things suddenly got easier but just by being able to put words to the things that were bothering me or worrying me has made it easier to frame as another thing to accomplish. It’s just a task. A hill to overcome.

I’ve got a fun day ahead of me tomorrow. I’ve got some carpentry work to do. I promised a friend I’d have it done by the weekend and this gives me another chance to partake in my favorite hobby: working with my hands. I don’t know where I learned it, honestly. My father was always good with cars and all, so maybe that’s part of it, but woodworking is something that is uniquely my own, among friends and family that is.

If there had been better money in it, I’d be making custom armoires and antique style dressers. I love it, but honestly I’ve always had my sights set a bit too high. I wanted to be a billionaire from the day I can remember earning my first nickel. Maybe I will, and maybe I won’t. We’ll see. Although if I have to settle for $999 million, I think I could live with that. Just kidding, I’d invest and multiply that.

Finances aside, I’ve definitely hit the rougher part of the month. I know that Strangelove has made a post saying that most of us have hit bumps (myself included) and by and large we’re treating it as just a bump and going on. His month of Get Your Shit Together has lit a bit of fire under a few hairy asses, I do believe. My own included.

I’ve been meaning to open the copy of 48 Laws of Power I have for almost a week now, and with the fiction novel I’m reading and the one I’m writing, the reading list is piling up and it keeps getting pushed back. I’m essentially in monk mode for the next month or so, so sexual strategy and brushing up on pointers has been pushed to the backburner. However, the 48 is definitely something I would read even without the implication for interpersonal relationships. It’s much more than that and if you haven’t heard of it, you can get it here and I do highly recommend it. Though I’m not marketing the book or making any money off of anyone who clicks that link and buys, I definitely recommend it even though I’m not making a cent off of it. That’s how highly I think of it. It’s definitely worth the second and third read, and I’m pushing to try to make that happen.

Though I’m not particularly looking for sex for the next 2-3 weeks, I’m always up for anything that increases my understanding of the way things work, and especially in the realms of business and interpersonal matters.

I’ve already got that second blog post I promised you written up. It’s scheduled to go up on Friday, and I had a lot of fun writing it. I’m putting my best into it and enjoyed it so I hope you love reading it as much as I did researching it. There’s likely to be a spiritual sequel in the same vein.

Once this post goes up I’ll be working on the followup to my insomnia post. In it I’ll be discussing what I realized that was keeping me up at night and where I go from here.

I’ve enjoyed working on this blog immensely. Honestly, every time I sit down to write it, even just the #NoNothingNovember updates I’m always surprised at how much I truly have to say. I believe wholly that keeping this journal and having a creative outlet has given me a lot clearer presence of mine and better peace at heart. I believe most men understand the feelings of having to keep things in to yourself and I’m not ashamed of having the feelings. Stoicism practices aside, I’ve often felt the hunger to express myself in a non-flourchild-special-snowflake way.

I’ve just known that I have something to say and a voice that needs to be heard. In my personal life, I’m intelligent and driven, but frankly my personality is far too big to be quiet forever. This is not to say that I’m anything special or to denote a messiah complex. I just know that censoring myself brings more harm to society than opening my mouth and teaching what I know. To put it short, I am an authority. Or at least, on my path to being one.

Wherever it leads, I’m enjoying the hell out of the journey.

I almost forgot to do this but today’s scores are

1) Foregoing of mindless media consumption. 10/10
2) Having a clear daily plan and deadline goals to meet. 10/10
3) Exercise and write everyday. Period. 10/10

Daily Total: 30/30
Yesterday’s Total: 29/30
Total To Date: 277/330

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